JUCE ARAPluginDemo not working on Cubase

This demo: JUCE-7.0.10/examples/Plugins/ARAPluginDemo.h

The plugin is working as expected in Reaper, but in Cubase there is the message “ARA host isn’t detected. This plugin only supports ARA mode”.

In Cubase → Studio → More Options → System Component Information
there is no record of ARAPluginDemo:

Any advice appreciated! Thanks

Are you sure the plugin is well installed?

Thanks for this. Unfortunately moving the plugin to ARA directory does not solve the issue. Think it will be necessary to do some deep debugging of the Juce ARA code to see why it loads the plugin, but does not acknowledge the ARA-ness of the plugin. Any ideas appreciated!

Are you instantiating it as ARA extension?

It’s a different workflow than regular VST3 / insert.