JUCE function problems when embedding into Swift

Dear all!

We just finished an application in JUCE and decided to implement the push notification and advertisement modules in Swift.
After we did this, every function, like audio, toucing buttons with mouseup and every touch related effects are working well.
BUT we discovered that some other functions, like Camera acces and virtual keyboard showup just dont go throught the swift interface. I’m just talking about the iOS part of the thing, with Kotlin, we succeed to implement all of the functions without any workaround.
Cases: I have implemented a simple photo maker through your tutorial about that, and that function works really well without the Swift embedding.
But when I embed it into Swift, the camera doesnt show up. We set up the camera permissions in the JUCE project and the iOS project in the info.plist has an acces for the camera too.
Same with the TextEditor and virtual keyboard of iOS. I tried it with a simple application which contains only one TextEditor itself and when it’s time to show up the virtual keyboard, it’s not showing up.
It’s a really strange behaviour and we are so sad about these because we tested all of the functions separately and estimated a finish time for the project but this way we can’t release it.
After all we can implement an own virtual keyboard and show up a camera screen in a Swift module but I suppose some of you had an experience this case because I saw one of your admin has a git repo about embedding into Swift, so you have to be clear with this behaviour.
It would be easier if we wouldnt have to create another projects for different platforms.
