Juce Tutorial - beginnings

yup, sorry. jules has changed quite a lot of juce since i last wrote any of the tutorial- there have probably been about 4 versions since. I’m sorry to say that it has broken a fair chunk of the tutorial, and i need to rewrite lots of it. i’m done with uni now, but my lady has only just finished her course, which means i need to spend a little bit of time with her before i can do any more work on it! gimme a few days and it’ll be back on track! :slight_smile:

Sounds like it’s just a change to the DialogWindow consdtructor that’s broken it. Should be very easy to fix if you have a look at the new parameters that it requires.

yeah, the change required for that chapter isn’t going to be particularly big, but the next chapter i think was all about the listener classes, which have just changed :slight_smile: i imagine some other things have changed subtly enough to break the tutorial slightly… but don’t worry, i’ll be working on it tonight!

By the way jules, bit of a strange request i know, but i wonder…

As has become apparent, sometimes it’s not possible for me to keep my tutorial up to date with the latest version of Juce. I’m working on an update at the moment, and the new format will be labelled with a juce version compatibility (currently v1.34).

When a juce update comes out, it’s great that you can still get the older ones; this makes my tutorial have a little more of a ‘usefulness buffer’, as interested people can still learn by it, as long as they grab the version the guide is for.

however, when the guide instructs them to check the documentation themselves, it will always be for the latest version, as there’s no doc archive. well, i say there’s no doc archive, but i have actually been saving them individually (the .chm files) since v1.29. I expect it’s not practical to keep a proper archive of the various doc versions, but would you mind if I made them available on juce.haydxn.net (i.e. whenever i release a tutorial update, i will have a copy of the corresponding compiled juce doc file with it)?

In fact, would it be acceptable for me to also include the corresponding juce archive too? So, on my tutorial page, it would have the guide pdf, the correct juce source archive, and the correct doc file.

[quote=“haydxn”]By the way jules, bit of a strange request i know, but i wonder…

As has become apparent, sometimes it’s not possible for me to keep my tutorial up to date with the latest version of Juce. I’m working on an update at the moment, and the new format will be labelled with a juce version compatibility (currently v1.34).

When a juce update comes out, it’s great that you can still get the older ones; this makes my tutorial have a little more of a ‘usefulness buffer’, as interested people can still learn by it, as long as they grab the version the guide is for.

however, when the guide instructs them to check the documentation themselves, it will always be for the latest version, as there’s no doc archive. well, i say there’s no doc archive, but i have actually been saving them individually (the .chm files) since v1.29. I expect it’s not practical to keep a proper archive of the various doc versions, but would you mind if I made them available on juce.haydxn.net (i.e. whenever i release a tutorial update, i will have a copy of the corresponding compiled juce doc file with it)?

In fact, would it be acceptable for me to also include the corresponding juce archive too? So, on my tutorial page, it would have the guide pdf, the correct juce source archive, and the correct doc file.[/quote]

bollocks to that! get him to put the ruddy docs in the juce download! or at least provide a doxy file and some instruccys fer t’noobs. it’s easy enough with the newer doxy gui wizard but noobs is noobs.

juce is gpl so you can redist the source nae tother a baw.

actually, it would be very nice if we could have a copy of the doxyfile… it takes ages to come up with a nice configuration and i really like the arrangement of the juce docs. i wanted to make my own (juce, natch) frontend for doxygen, with far fewer options because - ultimately - once you’ve got a preferred layout there’s not a lot you need to change. It’d be nice to put a bit on juce.haydxn.net about commenting your code for documentation; doxywizard is boring enough, i want a nice little simpler interface and i’m sure anyone reading/learning would too. simpler and a whole heap prettier!

I asked him for his doxy file a while back but he just mumbled about it being a mess or something.

I actually got a cooler doxy setup going. I think. you could drill down into the cpp code. I think. I must have another look.

I use Kings Tools (Visual Studio add-in) to have a gui for generating the doxygen files, makes things idiotically easy then. It does a few more things that I don’t use (VA is better in those regards), but I like the Doxygen gui and generator it has.

yep. used to use KT too. on VS2005 now tho.

I miss the switch to .h/.cpp on the context menu. I wish VA would have an option for this rather than a button/menu.

[quote=“Karbon L. Forms”]yep. used to use KT too. on VS2005 now tho.

I miss the switch to .h/.cpp on the context menu. I wish VA would have an option for this rather than a button/menu.[/quote]
Not sure if they changed it in 2k5, but VA in version 6 and 2k3, to switch between .h/.cpp is by default alt+O (‘Oh’, not zero). Don’t think I ever touched the button for it, I am a big quick-key user. :slight_smile:

aye. alt-O. never did get used to that. must try again. in fact I need to print out the VS/VA key commands and git up to speed with them. [/i][/list]

sorry for cross posting but i think that this thread should have been here


I’m just beginning to read your Juce tutorial. :stuck_out_tongue:
And I’m really excited.

I’ve never programmed in C++ but I hope I can understand it.

Thank you!!!


since you’re just beginning maybe i can join you cause i’m so lost when it comes to where and how i should start. what IDE do you have? i have visual studio 2005 standard

Hi laserbreak,

Nice to meet you here! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, I’ve got the same link erros as you when I try to link to obtain the executable. :?

I have installed VC++ 2005 express and I can build and run ‘jucedemo’ and ‘juce_application’ flawleesly.

So… Anybody could help us :?:


PS: I will try to compile with CodeBlocks.

Unfortunately, I’ve got the same link erros as you when I try to link to obtain the executable. :?

I have installed VC++ 2005 express and I can build and run ‘jucedemo’ and ‘juce_application’ flawleesly.


i think i solved this problem some time ago.
if you would like to pm me maybe i can try again and see what happens

Is the tutorial ever going to be completed? It’s well done by the way. The author should publish it.

I can’t seem to open the tutorial link, has it moved or something?

sorry, as i explained in a different thread, my webhost is dead, thus my site (and every link that points to it) has died.

I’m not sure when I’ll get a chance to address the situation, but it is a reasonably high priority.

Through the university I attend, I have a small amount of webspace, I think it’s around 50mb. Until haydxn solves his problems, I have an (extremely) temporary solution. I have no idea how much bandwidth I have, but I don’t use this particular space for anything, so here you go. I only have the pdf and what I think is chapter 3’s files, everything else I modified beyond recognition.

