Juce Upgrade - Invoice?

Because of tax-reasons, I would prefer to get a real invoice with contains all necessary information.

I upgraded to JUCE5 ca. 2 month ago, will i receive an invoice?

I second that. The e-mail receipts don’t look to me like they would pass an audit.

ROLI might want to have a look at Invoicing and taking payment from customers (gov.uk).

Also when selling to EU countries outside the UK you need to remark, that the 0% VAT is because of the reverse charge process. At least as long as you’re still with us.

As I’m not a UK tax attorney, it’s of course possible, that I’m talking utter rubbish - in this case: please excuse and correct me.




@jb1, what is the best procedure for that? Do you need an email from each user requesting invoices?
Also can you prepare all of them in one go?
I ignored that fact, that I need them as well, but I want to close the files for 2016, so will need to add the invoices to the records.
Thank you in advance.

Hey all,

The automated sending of invoices will be done soon. We’re aware that the current receipts from Stripe are substandard and not adequate for proper accounting at your end. While we sort out this issue, please do send us an email at sales@juce.com if you need to receive an invoice and we’ll do our best to send it to you.



any news on that? I’m still receiving receipts and accounting them as Raw Material Software.