Relative Paths for AAX and VST folders

I'd to like make the VST and AAX folders in Introjucer relative, so I can put the folders in source control and not have to require every developer to use the same absolute paths.  But for some reason the Introjucer help text says these paths should be absolute.  Making the VST path relative seemed to work just fine, but for AAX I'm seeing a strange issue in MSVC.

My project relative path for AAX is:   ..\..\..\..\SDKs\AAX

But when I use that I get a build error that it can't find the folder:   ..\..\..\..\..\..\SDKs\AAX

When I look at the preprossor define for JucePlugin_AAXLibs_path it shows this path with the two extra "..\" added in.  If in introjucer I use  "..\..\SDKs\AAX" then I end up with the correct relative path of "..\..\..\..\SDKs\AAX".

Anyhow, is there really any fundamental reason I can't use relative paths and any ideas why the AAX relative path being mangled?





P.S. I love JUCE!!!!

I think it might work with a relative path, but vaguely remember that there might have been some quirk of the AAX library that caused problems with relative ones.

Anyway, the path you give would have to be relative to the folder containing your .jucer file, not relative to the VC project.

Now it makes sense, although it's a little strange that the AAX folder is .jucer relative and the VST folder is project relative.  Would be nice to have that be consistent.
