Visual plugin designer - PluginGuiMagic - now free (27.7.2023)

I wanted to share here my latest project.
When developing, having a default ProcessorEditor is a great help. But once you go to the designing stage, it is always tedious, all the compiling, looking, recompiling…

Also it’s good, if not a developer but a designer does the visual arts. But do we want designers to write C++?
C++ is not the best language to write GUIs with. But it is a great language to write tools. So I wrote a design tool to design, layout, style and colourise a Plugin (and potentially Apps as well, but currently focussing on plugins).

  • Offer a default GUI from the audio processor parameters
  • Uses audio parameter groups for the layout
  • completely styleable via CSS-like structure
  • Arranging of layout via drag and drop
  • Out-of-the-box visualisers, including an FFT-Analyser and Oscilloscope
  • Extensible with your own Components

The editor is a single module, no external dependencies. The editor is compiled in, so it can be edited inside your DAW. With a single setting it is completely removed from your binary.

The definition is stored in XML, but there is no need to ever look into that file.

Have a play around, it’s free to use (BSD-3clause) with the plea, to give back, if you are making money with it…

Feedback is welcome here, as git issue, email to me, discord “theaudioprogrammer” or send me an owl…


Just a quick update:

New features

  • X/Y dragger to connect to 2 parameters
  • LevelMeter
  • MidiKeyboardComponent
  • automatic choice of horizontal/vertical or rotary slider depending on the aspect ratio
  • some more default Components
  • an alternative look-and-feel (currently rotary only) contributed by Yuri Witte


  • fixed infinite loop when loading/saving the GUI tree inside the DAW
  • fixed some undo glitches

As always, hit me with bug reports, feature requests or love letters :slight_smile:


Big thanks to @JoshuaHodge to give me a slot on his channel to show you this project:


Just a little update:
The commercial licenses are now available:

For my fellow juce forum users I want to share a coupon for 20% introduction discount on the annual and perpetual plan (valid until 31.10.2020):

Apologies for the commercial, I won’t make a habit out of it :slight_smile:



One more thing:

In order not to spam this forum with my 3rd party modules I created a forum here:

While we are here, a new gradient editor just arrived:

This allows to style the component backgrounds with smooth gradients without coding or looking up CSS syntax.

And a last one, the voucher for 20% off for the commercial licenses is still good for another 2 weeks :wink:



Hey everybody,

I just wanted to share a little update about PluginGuiMagic and invite you all to vote on the future roadmap/features.

This happened in 2021:

  • Simplified setup thanks to foleys::MagicProcessor
  • Auto-Save
  • scrolling views
  • Improved Captions
  • independent from AudioProcessorValueTreeState
  • Midi-Learn to map CC to parameters
  • Properties for all instances
  • Support for Filmstrip knobs
  • and many more…

Here is the poll:

Have a lovely new 2022!


Hello everybody,

With the PluginGuiMagic Release 1.4.0 today, a commercial license is no longer required.
You will find the repository foleys_gui_magic slightly remodeled.
The PluginGuiMagic repository is no longer updated, as the examples are now part of the module repository, as well as new catch2 unit tests.

Enjoy and sorry for the plug!