[Bug report] Projucer login fail on Win7 (Internet Explorer 8)


I’d like to report bug regarding logging in Projucer on Win7 (with IE 8).
As of JUCE 5 the Projucer login feature uses web client (connecting to auth.roli.com). On this site, there is included a Google Analytics script, which is not compatible with IE 8. As it throws exceptions, it blocks from logging into Projucer.

The error is caused by the first line of this code, as IE 8 expects the second argument of addEventListener to be object.

    addEventListener('error', window.__e=function f(e){f.q=f.q||[];f.q.push(e)});
    window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
    window.ga('create', 'UA-36852551-1', 'auto');
    window.ga('set', 'transport', 'beacon');
<script async src='https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'></script>

This might be easily solved by wrapping the script with:

<!--[if gte IE 9]><!-->
    addEventListener('error', window.__e=function f(e){f.q=f.q||[];f.q.push(e)});
    window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date;
    window.ga('create', 'UA-36852551-1', 'auto');
    window.ga('set', 'transport', 'beacon');
<script async src='https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'></script>

Doesn’t JUCE has it’s own JavaScript enginge? I tested this on Windows 10 and there’re no problems.

Thanks for reporting this. We will get this fixed on our sign-in servers.

After 4 months still not resolved. Now it’s not only Google Analytics that fails, there are 3 new problems now.

One might be resolved by merging this two objects as it seems IE8 can’t handle such basic operation itself (it throws for the window.__ENV__.DEFAULT_LOCALE line - window.__ENV__.DEFAULT_LOCALE is null or not an object):

  window.__ENV__ = {"ROLI_API_URL":"https://api.roli.com","MY_RO....
  window.__ENV__.DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en-US";
  window.__ENV__.ROLI_COM_URL = "https://roli.com";
  window.__ENV__.SUPPORT_SITE_URL = "https://support.roli.com";
  window.__ENV__.CONTENTFUL_API_MODE = "production";
  window.__ENV__.CONTENTFUL_JSON_PROXY = "content.roli.com";
  window.__ENV__.NODE_ENV = "production";

But then there is a problem in shared-header-footer.min.js (minified, hard to debug - error: Identifier expected on line 1 char 575) and app.min.js (minified, error: Exception thrown but not catched on line 1 char 7521).

Maybe if you could hide the login window when running projucer on Win7? Or add a checkbox to the login window Don't show this window anymore? Or you could create simple login API and use OAUTH or something similar to login. That would be error prone as you’d not rely on web at all.

(Tested on current master Projucer)

You need to update to the latest internet explorer which is IE11 on Windows 7.

Would be nice to have some kind of “Your browser is too old” screen when you go to roli login page (that’s like a 10 minutes work).