Enabling the GUI Editor in JUCE 6 trashes all my GUI controls

I am happy to cease using the deprecated GUI editor (it was very useful as a starting point) but I thought I would just raise this. As soon as I switched on the GUI editor my code that had been developed using the GUI editor in JUCE 5 I lost all the GUI controls, variables etc.

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I have exactly the same problem. We’re not proud of it, but we used the editor to build our (now huge) internal R&D plug-in. Knowing full well we’ll tackle that in a different way come our first commercial release I’d still very much like to use and compile my Juce 5 project intact.

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Also raised here:

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I just ran into the same issue. The whole project is messed up with syntax errors for missing controls all over the place. I think I stop for today.

Haven’t tried it myself yet, but missing controls sounds like maybe re-enabling using namespace juce via Projucer could help?
Just a shot in the dark

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This is good news! Quick question. I realize that the GUI editor support is here for backwards compatibility, but I notice that there is no longer an option to add a GUI component, I assume that was intentional to sort of nudge people to use other tools and not use the GUI component?

It’s there, it’s just moved - if you have the GUI editor enabled and right-click in the file explorer (like how you’d add a normal file) the option is there.

Hmmm, I’m not seeing it. Maybe I need to be on a different branch (currently on master)? I have the GUI editor enabled and nothing about a GUI component comes up when right-clicking inside the file tree.

Oh sorry, my mistake. It’s in the GUI Editor menu that becomes visible when you have enabled it.

There it is! Thank you!

Could you elaborate on what you mean by “other tools” ?